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Would you like to improve your mental or physical wellbeing, join us and get fit while learning a new skill in a social environment. Why not sign up for this fully funded activity!

You will not need to bring any specialist equipment just turn up in warm layers wearing an old pair of shoes or trainers. Please avoid jeans which when wet get heavy and uncomfortable and no open toed shoes.

Make sure you bring extra clothing, foot wear and a towel should you get wet.

This is a 5 week programme running from Union Wharf, Market Harborough. (come and take part and see if paddling is for you).

• Tues 23rd April – Tues 21st May 10:30am-12:30pm


Limited spaces are available.

The sessions will last for approximately 2 hours including a hot drink and chat. (This is an over 18’s bookable event – only registered attendees will be allowed to take part)

Please contact Sean for more info: sean.payne@canalrivertrust.org.uk


Sean Payne – Canal & River Trust


Union Wharf; Market Harborough
Union Wharf
Market Harborough, LE16 7UW
+ Google Map