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Your chance to experience a showcase of all things farming, providing an opportunity to see farm machinery up close, talk with experts about sustainable farming, get involved in activities and enjoy a tractor and trailer ride around the farm looking at the work done at the Allerton project.

The day will involve great activities for children and an opportunity to connect with nature.

Free entry with the chance to purchase cream teas on site as well as refreshments throughout the day from Launde farm foods.

The Allerton Project is a research and demonstration farm researching the effect of different farming methods on wildlife and the environment, sharing results of our research through advisory and educational activities. From soil and water, to woodland and environmental habitat that increases biodiversity, our aim is to build farmland resilience.

Open Farm Sunday Allerton invite


June 11, 2023
10:30 am - 1:30 pm


The Allerton Project
Visitor Centre
Loddington, LE7 9XE United Kingdom
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