Synonymous with ‘The Taverners,’ is Founders Day, it has become one of the major UK events in the ‘old bike’ calendar. From humble beginnings almost fifty years ago with just a hundred or so visitors and half a dozen people selling surplus bike bits out of their car boot or laid out on the obligatory ‘paste table’ the event has grown in to a vast slick and professional operation.
Originally the event took place on the area to the right of the driveway with a small ‘arena’ to the back of the hall, nowadays there is a large arena to the front of the hall along with an autojumble nearing 300 pitches in number and taking up the whole area to the front of the hall.
In recent years the attendance levels have grown to around the 4000 mark or more if the weather cooperates, even with the challenges the weather threw at us in 2012 around 3000 visitors made the pilgrimage. Which other event allows you to see everything from an FS1E to Brough going around the arena! It’s also worth having a wander round the bike park as there are many very nice bikes actually ridden to this event.
This year’s attraction is “The Wall of Death” which is free to watch and is include in you event entry fee of £10.00